Delicious time of the season. Fresh beans. Potatoes. Cucumbers. Zucchini. Tomatoes. Carrots and more.
Fresh Niagra fruit, sweet corn, zucchini, cucumbers and so much more.
Cucumber, zucchini, sour cherries new at market, next week plums, peaches, apricots and sweet cherries
The long weekend is approaching and we have some wonderful things to check out here on the farm!
Yoga in the gardens, Whispering Pines meats, forest bathing, and lambsquarters for everyone!
It's getting busy here at the farm! With CSA baskets starting in a week, the market in full swing, and so much growing and planting going on.
The weather is looking like it's on our side today! Let's all hope it stays sunny and beautiful out for growing!