Potatoes, carrots, squash, Ida red apples & lots of eggs. Bath salts & essential oils workshop Sat. Dec. 21st
Market days at the farm, Dec. 15th and 21st, Paddy's Christmas Tea and sale, Sun. Dec. 1st
Market Open Fri.'s 10-5, Sat.'s 10-4, tasty end of season tomatoes, lots of peppers, squash, potatoes, kale & more. Looking for leaves for composting....
Seed Garlic available, Butternut squash, Kale, Beets, Tomatoes, Crisp Apples and Anjou Pears! What wonderful fall treats.
Potatoes, carrots, garlic, leeks, apples....so much to be Thankful for
Beauty peppers, tomato time, larger potatoes, delicious fruit, Sunday forest mindfulness, delicious Homestead Bakery breads, pizza dough and more!
Order your turkey for Thanksgiving, apples, garlic, corn, boston lettuce, white muscat grapes, nectarines and of course the best tasting peaches!
All tomatoes on sale, baby potatoes, all kinds of cucumbers, garlic. Fall Growing Lessons, order your Turkey now.
Garden abundance, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, melons, tomatillos, carrots and more