Farm Blog - Dreaming of delicious food ahead, CSA signup

Hello and Happy 2020! Always strange to look up from being lost in seed catalogs and see the winter monochromatic landscape. A good time of year to use our imagination muscle to dream our season into being.

The CSA 2020 signup is now open, (link below)
- the baskets will start, June 24th or June 27th depending on your pickup day.
- we've kept the days the same with choice of Wed. or Sat. pickup and we always look forward to having the flexibility for you to switch days later in the season
- the signup is for 16 weeks, with 18 weeks available so you get to choose, we've made it easier to skip weeks in the system!
- we are crop planning to ensure (hopefully) a good supply of salad greens for this season and continuing to enhance our soil, even more, this season
- prices have increased slightly to offset our increased costs, sustainability is a challenge with the cost of food not refecting the actual cost of production

We are looking forward to continuing the monthly potlucks and are looking at other options to move even more towards this being a place to feed not only your body but connect you with the growing world/nature.

Excited to be ordering seeds and putting plans into action for a fabulous, delicious season ahead. Super happy that Kiara will be back to help with the gardens again this season. We will look forward to meeting Joana who is coming from France to complete a 12-week internship. Just at the start of figuring out how it all comes togeather.

Personal updates,
We're going to be grandparents! Our daughter Kyra and son-inlaw Graydon are having a baby girl in May. Our son Logan just left for New Zealand with a work visa and to have time with his sister!
Tom is amazing and has offered to take over the farm activities so that I can go to be there for Kyra and meet our grandchild. I'm gone from May 21st - June 11th. It will be a very interesting spring with my other job (Urban Pantry Agriculture Coordinator) involving creation of more community gardens in Barrie, speaking engagements and more. Takes lots of trust that it all works out (and stay calm).

Tom and I so appreciate your connection with our farm, the feeling of community and the opportunity to interact so many wonderful people. A true gift, Thank You.

Please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.
All the best,
Kim & Tom (this takes you to the website page, or use the link below for the signup form)