Happy Long Weekend, It's a bit early but it certainly is feeling like time to plant. The Thyme in the title is reference to the direction towards creating a more self sustaining environment through Biodiversity.
Odds are good that our gardens, yards and spaces will be more self sustaining, resilient and productive if we make room for more types of plants. Diversity not mono culture is natures way.
So when you're planting your tomatoes, plant basil (they improve the growth of each other) and plant marigolds (they deter soil nematodes and attract beneficial insects). Make room for more types of plants and watch nature in action.
Reminder(with all the rain, the 5th Line just past our laneway is closed)
- no access from the South (25th sr)
- access through 5th line and Willoughby rd, 90Hwy side
Upcoming Events: moondanceorganics.ca/events
Companion Planting Sat. May 18th, 9 - 10:30am
What to plant where and next to what!
All about Tomatoes Thurs. May 23rd, 6:30 - 8pm
It's tomato time. All the tips and tricks, from which types to grow, best way to plant, care for and set yourself up for an abundant season.
Moondance Community Spring Market Saturday May 25th, 10am - 3pm
* local businesses, artists, community
* garden center deals
* meet the baby chicks
* Rewilding open house & tours (check out the amazing nest they have developed in the forest)
** Moonflour Cafe ** Eco Pantry Reusables +++++++
Garden Center open:
Thurs. thru Sat.'s 9am - 4pm
It's a Great time to plant especially the cool season vegetables, broccoli, leeks, brussel sprouts, cabbage, celery, onions, peas, lettuces, spinach, arugula and so much more.
New this week, three types of peas, romaine, different salad mixes, fennel
Lots of seedling plants perfect to pop into your garden.
Seed Racks: Aimers Organic Seeds- great selection of vegetable and herb seeds.
Plant outside now, radish, spinach, leaf lettuces, arugula, peas and why not try some beets and carrots!
OSC - Flower seed of so many varieties. Fun to seed directly in the ground are calendula, nasturtiums, morning glory, zinnia, cosmos. Wild flower blends, pollinator packs and more.
Wide selection of Fruit Shrubs, Flowering Shrubs, Perennials from tall to small there's something for every garden and yard.
Potting soil and compost also available
Fresh Produce Asparagus is starting, Rhubarb is ready, lots of spring greens, bagged and PYO. We're building a new chicken coop and look forward to having eggs available later in the spring.
May you have a delicious, spring long weekend.
All the best,