Farm Blog - Hello March

Hello from the gardens, it's starting to feel a bit more like spring may be coming. The snow and beautiful sparkly days have been lovely and I love the sound of my boots crunching on the snow. But the smell in the air and the birds everywhere make me dream of the fresh days of spring and the flush of vibrant new green. With dreams of the season ahead and all the promise of growth.
Looking forward to sharing with you the seeds that have been germinating this winter.

New raw, fermented Sauerkraut.
- made from our Nappa, red and savoy cabbage, local carrots and onions.
- by Suzanne and Kim
- 500 ml jar, $8.50
Please keep in the fridge.

The pail with some red cabbage made for a beautiful red sauerkraut and the nappa & savoy a more traditional green delicious treat.

About Sauerkraut
- choose "live" sauerkraut if you want its probiotic benefits.
- live sauerkraut is unpasteurized sauerkraut that contains live probiotic bacteria.
- it's a nutritious addition to your diet and may help with gut health, heart health, and more.

The greenhouse is starting to wake up and seeds are sprouting. These warmer days are doing wonders for the plants that went dormant in the deep freeze but the seeded rows of arugula, salad mix, spinach and more are sprouting beautifully. The big plants of kale and chard are looking rather bedraggled but will hopefully brighten up with the warmth. Can't wait for those delicious fresh greens!

No potatoes this week but am hopeful that there may be some more available.

Please use this order form for Saturday Mach 1st pickup.


There's honey, sauerkraut and farm fresh eggs.

We will continue offering the weekly order form option as the way to what's still available from the greenhouse, cooler and of course the hens. Thank You for supporting small scale growing and community.

If you need another day to pickup please email me at

Quote: "The fairest thing in nature, a flower, still has its roots in earth and manure."
— D. H. Lawrence

May you find the Calm within the storm. Time to Be outside. Time with Friends. And?

All the best,
Kim & Tom