Farm Blog - Happy Long Weekend, open Monday 10-2

Hello from the gardens, Happy August long weekend!

New at Market:

Peaches, plums, sweet cherries, apricots, individual baskets or mixed. Tree ripened, no fungicidal bath, no spray. Nature's sweet treat!

Sweet corn, non GMO conventional (nice to finally enjoy some local corn)

Parsley pesto, Basil pesto

Chocolate Chip cookies from Homestead Bakery, as well as their amazing bread and pizza dough!

Available other items:

Cucumbers, Zucchini, Carrots, Beets, Stir Fri Mix, Green Onions, Garlic, Garlic Scapes, Sour Cherries, lots of herbs and more.

Reminder, Yoga drop in classes, Wed. eve 7-8pm A slow, restorative opportunity to enjoy beautiful outside time.

With the long weekend we are open Monday 10am - 2pm.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend,

All the best,
the Moondance Team